Types of Grasses
Lawn grasses are generally classified into two groups: warm season grasses and cool season grasses. Your local garden store will stock varieties most suitable to your area. They will usually offer a variety to fit sunny, shady or heavy use lawns. Many homeowners will opt for a blend of grasses which will offer a varying degree of benefits.
Warm Season Grass:
Zoysia- A tough, heat and drought resistant grass. It is well suited for high use areas.
St. Augustine- good for shady areas.
Buffalo Grass- tough and resilient
Bermuda- drought tolerant
Cool Season Grass:
Annual Ryegrass- A quick growing annual. Often mixed in with other grasses to get new lawns off to a quick start. Also used as a winter cover on farmlands and gardens to provide nitrogen and minimize soil erosion.
Kentucky Bluegrass- By far the most popular for fine textured, rich looking lawns.
Annual Bluegrass- not frequently used.
Canada Bluegrass
Creeping Bentgrass- should be mowed below 1/2 inch.
Fine Fescue
Perennial Ryegrass- Quick growing like annual ryegrass, only a tough perennial.
Red Fescue- Grows best in shady areas.
Tall Fescue- Drought tolerant. Also sometimes used in warm season areas.
Velvet Bentgras