| Echo The ECHO line-up features Chain Saws, Grass Trimmers, Leaf Blowers, Hedge Trimmers, Edgers and Brushcutters to a complete offering of ECHO Accessories and parts to keep your tools functional. And ECHO chain saws and lawn equipment are the best built in the industry and are so reliable they’re backed by a 5 year Warranty 
 | Shindaiwa Shindaiwa commercial-use equipment includes grass trimmers, brushcutters, blowers, hedge trimmers, and our innovative Speed-Feed – the trimmer head that can be loaded, without disassembly, in 30 seconds or less!
Shindaiwa manufactures premium, high quality products, and to support our confidence in the product, we added a 5-year consumer warranty, we doubled our commercial warranty to a full two years. Shindaiwa offers two of the strongest warranties in the industry!
